Thursday, July 29, 2004

Preachin' at the Convention!

Al got Crispus Attucks (we always dug playing Crispus Attucks High School in Indianapolis during Hoosier hysteria.  - [ it was better than Broadripple] The Attucks were the fighting tigers of Indiana basketball - but I digress..),  Martin Luthor King, Jesse his own self and everyone else in last night.

Thank goodness someone is willing to rumble at this convention. Rev. Al rocks.

Best line!

We didn't get the mule. So we decided we'd ride this donkey as far as it would take us

Best shot at a retired guy

Mr. President, in all due respect, Mr. President, read my lips: Our vote is not for sale

and the "give it up already" line of the night.

The promise of America is that every citizen vote is counted and protected, and election schemes do not decide the election.

Thanks, Al. Al Sharpton and Al Gore. Al's of a feather should stick together. Or something like that, anyway.


Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Now, I'm supposed to write something nice about Barack Obama here. Everyone else is. I'm supposed to say he's a rising star, that he's the "Tiger Woods" of politics.

Horsehockey (thanks to Sherman T. Potter!). Obama spouted the usual liberal crapola. Let's get the government involved in every part of our lives. Care for everybody who needs care.  Raise benefits for older folks (and I am getting so close to being one!), and surely, don't violate the civil rights of those precious Arab-Americans.  We heard a lot about Lt. Kerry - mentioned or alluded to 3 times in Obama's speech. We heard a lot about coming together - but that something the Democrats have refused to do for 4 years.

You know, I'll give Barack Obama this: he is no Jesse Jackson. This is no "Common Ground" speech, but I suspect that because he's no Jesse, that he'll be more palatable to the rest of the Democratic party in 4 years. He's obviously going to be the Senator from Illinois, since the Republican Party in Illinois is self-destructing. The Land of Lincoln (claimed by Obama in his speech) is devoid of Republicans!

Wish I could get excited about politics right now. John Kerry is so boring!