Kedwards and company are starting to irrtate me!
If I were Hulk Hogan, I'd say something like this....
Well, ya know, Mean Gene, me and Brother Johns, if ya know what I mean, Mean Gene, me and Brother Johns are about to go to the greatest battle of all time. Ya know they want to say stuff that's just wrong and they want to hurt all the millions and millions of little hulkamaniacs that are out there right now sayin' their prayers, and takin' their vitamins.
Mean Gene, do you really think bringin' in a few Vitamins from Canada of all places is going to make a change in the good old USA? No way, Brother! No, I want my little Hulkamanics to eat good old American Vitamins. If they start eating Canadian Vitamins, they might start wearing those silly little hats and and saying 'eh - if you know what I mean, Mean Gene!
So, Kedwards, when we get into the squared circle in a couple weeks, Brother, we're goin' to find out just exactly what kind of vitamins you have been eating. And we'll see, Brother, if the Hulkster can flush those Johns right down the old Toilet, Mean Gene!
Whatcha gonna do, Kedwards, when the largest, American Vitamin powered Arms in the world, go wild on You!
If I were Hulk Hogan, I'd say something like this....
Well, ya know, Mean Gene, me and Brother Johns, if ya know what I mean, Mean Gene, me and Brother Johns are about to go to the greatest battle of all time. Ya know they want to say stuff that's just wrong and they want to hurt all the millions and millions of little hulkamaniacs that are out there right now sayin' their prayers, and takin' their vitamins.
Mean Gene, do you really think bringin' in a few Vitamins from Canada of all places is going to make a change in the good old USA? No way, Brother! No, I want my little Hulkamanics to eat good old American Vitamins. If they start eating Canadian Vitamins, they might start wearing those silly little hats and and saying 'eh - if you know what I mean, Mean Gene!
So, Kedwards, when we get into the squared circle in a couple weeks, Brother, we're goin' to find out just exactly what kind of vitamins you have been eating. And we'll see, Brother, if the Hulkster can flush those Johns right down the old Toilet, Mean Gene!
Whatcha gonna do, Kedwards, when the largest, American Vitamin powered Arms in the world, go wild on You!