Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This is shocking, Fans. Arlen Spector, semi-republican from Pennsylvania, is going to vote like a conservative, from all reports. There's legislation in the senate to allow unions to form without secret ballots, giving workers choice to form a union or not. You see, in case you didn't know it, fans, the Rasslin' Republicans are the party of choice. A person has a choice to join a Union - and they get a secret ballot so that Vinnie doesn't come over and break their legs for voting no.

But the Unions and the Democrats - don't want it that way. a quick overview:

the "Employee Free Choice Act."
Today, employees are entitled to a private-ballot election when deciding whether they want union representation in their workplace. Elections are overseen by the National Labor Relations Board, which has numerous procedures in place to ensure fair, fraud-free elections. Because of NLRB safeguards, employees can cast their vote confidentially, without peer pressure or coercion from unions or employers.

If Congress passes the Employee Free Choice Act, employees effectively lose their right to private-ballot elections. The bill would establish a so-called "card-check" union organizing system, in which a majority of employees simply sign a card in favor of union representation.

The measure would also require a government-mandated arbitrator to force a contract if the employer and the union don't reach an agreement within 120 days.

Looks like our pal Arlen will not vote for Cloture, which will allow this very bad legislation to die in the Senate. (cut to visual of Spector drawing his thumb across his neck, Undetaker style).

Good riddence.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I think I am going to try and start posting here again, and link via Twitter. Seriously, if you aren't twittering, why not? It'll probably end up on Facebook too, since I tweet my statuses onto Facebook.

Look, the whole AIG thing has got me crazy, brother. You have Senator Chris Dodd flippity flopping like RVD in a match against a Luchadore about whether he knew or didn't know about the bonuses that were to be paid to the people at AIG under contract. He says here that:

"he agreed six weeks ago to fine-tune stimulus legislation, agreeing to a change that had the effect of authorizing the much-criticized bonuses at American International Group. But Dodd said he agreed only after being persuaded by Treasury Departmenttechnical experts that the changes were necessary to speed a national recovery. And he said he was not informed that the amendment would affect AIG specifically."

Ah yes, not only are you gullible and rather stupid (uh, Chris, who did you THINK they were talking about, the local Jiffy Lube?), but so is Geithner.

and you think Wrestling storylines are easy to figure out? Why do I keep reading what a smart guy Chris Dodd is and he somehow didn't know that US corporations pay bonuses to executives for retention and why is Tim Geithner so surprised at how the finiacial sector works?

And people thought President Bush was dumb? The new guy's like Eugene.

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