Thursday, December 18, 2003

Do you think that maybe Howard the Duck Dean and the rest are just doing typical heel rants? Dennis Kucinich is reported as saying he has a great chance of winning the primary in Ohio and says he thinks he has a great chance of winning the presidency. That's like when heel Barry Horowitz used to say he had an excellent chance of pinning Randy "Macho Man" Savage back in the day. Howard Dean says he is going to go to the capitals of the "foreign countries ...[Bush} has alienated" Yeah, yeah, yeah... I remember when Bischoff said how he was going to unite the Locker Room against the NWO - but pretty soon, he did a heel turn - is it possible Howard the Duck is about to turn FACE? That would be quite the swerve, wouldn't it.

Saddam's sarcastic, right? A guy I know suggests torture, but not me... Have him watch old "Natural disasters" tag team matches, preferably against teams like the Beverly Brothers. Ok, I guess that would be torture too. Watching Fred Ottman work would be torture for me, anyway. I miss the Shockmaster!



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