Friday, November 25, 2005
Friday, November 18, 2005
al-Zarqawi said Jordan's king should keep his head down, and that he's not targeting Muslims. Does he think most Muslims are really stupid or what? Today, in Iraq, 74 more Shiites killed at two Mosques in Khanaqin, a few more in Bagdad.
Yeah - here's the story for those of you wondering. Unless you're Wahhabi Muslim, you're not a Muslim. Unless you're a radical Wahhabi following the al-Zarqawi line of thinking, you're not a Muslim, therefore, not a person and subject to killing for no reason at all.
al-Zarqawi is like all other racist pigs. If you're not like me, screw you. Wahhabism, you may know, is a fundamentalist movement within the Sunni branch of Islam. (The short difference between Shiite and Sunni Islam is that they disagree on who the successor to Muhammad was) Wahhabis have been around since about 1800, when Bin Saud tried to take back what is today Saudi Arabia from the Ottoman empire by claiming they were not really Muslims. And that's the standard they apply to the Shia - and Jordanians - it's the standard they'll apply to you if they feel like it.
Apparently, this is what John Murtha is so scared of. He doesn't think we can beat their fanaticism, so he's ready to cut and run. Yeah, we needed a stud like Dutch to beat the commies, not a Jimmy Carter wimp (I am looking at You, Bill Frist)
Look, we need our voices, like High Hewitt, Bill Bennett and Rush and Sean and Medved and the others to talk more about what racists the Wahhabis are. It's important.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
I bet Specter won't have a problem with changing THIS rule. Oh - it was at the centers for disease control- of appropriate when it comes to Specter and Harkin.
NOW will people listen to me the next time I suggest who the chairperson of an important committee is. Nope.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
The President leaves town and Bill Frist and John Warner get all Vietnam-scared on us.
I saw Frist this morning on Today, doing his best Jimmy Carter impression with Katie and he said he and Warner were going to stop the Democrats forcing a withdrawal timetable - but then to offer up an ammendment to the appropriations bill basically telling the President that he isn't doing his job and need to come crawling to the Senate - well, Frish and Warner need to go, if you ask me.
Here are the good guys that voted nay on this:
Bunning (R-KY), Burr (R-NC), Byrd (D-WV), Chambliss (R-GA), Coburn (R-OK), Conrad (D-ND), DeMint (R-SC), Graham (R-SC), Harkin (D-IA), Inhofe (R-OK), Isakson (R-GA), Kennedy (D-MA), Kyl (R-AZ), Leahy (D-VT), McCain (R-AZ), Sessions (R-AL), Thune (R-SD), Vitter (R-LA), Kerry (D-MA)
This data from the bill page:
You know that when John Thune and Edward Kennedy vote the same way on a bill that something is wrong. Yes, Mr. President, come here, boy. Drag your tail betwen your legs. Give us aa report every 90 days, boy.
Even Kennedy couldn't vote for that!
Goodbye, Senator Frish. Your services are no longer required. You just don't fit in.
Monday, November 14, 2005
One little speech by President Bush reminding us that nearly every liberal democrat you can think of authorized the war we're in right now because they saw the same intelligence he did has galvanized the American Media. Yes, they now must report, at least hourly, that the president's support has fallen to 38%.
Yes, you can get that kind of response if you ask the questions the right way. Like The Galloping gourmet poll (I didn't even know Graham Kerr was a pollster!) that asked "If Bush was a sandwich, would he be Bologna, Ham or just cheesy?" And then, there's the Franco Harris Poll, which asked "Do you think the President committed a personal foul when he took us into Iraq or was it just an audible?" You have the Clinton News Network Poll. which asked, "Would you rather have negative stories about the war in iraq, or negative stories about the president having sex?" And then, there's the granddaddy of them all the Leslie Nielson Poll, which asks "Do you think the President picked a bad week to stop shooting heroin?"
Oh, on France...Only 284 cars were set on fire last night! Vive La France!
Friday, November 11, 2005
I'd be surprised if Abu Musab al-Zarqawi knew any of the people who are rioting and tearing stuff apart in France. Of course, as we know, the chief minister of the Religion of Peace masterminded the homicide missions to kill other members of the Religion of Peace who had the misfortune to stay, work or walk by some hotels with American names. The Bombers get the Virgins and the bombees, being Muslims also, probably get some sort of Muslim indulgences since, according to al-Zarqawi , they were in on the mission to fight the Great Satan
Speaking of the guy downstairs, one of his best explainers, Moustapha Akkad, who produced the Halloween movies, happened to be in the Raddison when the three bombers struck. Michael Myers, we hardly knew ye.
The "kids" in France are calming down, say various sources. The AP says "Violence in France fell sharply overnight" but this story says 463 cars were burned overnight. Yeah, that's a good spin, AP. You really gotta read Non-AP sources for real news.
Now, back to the Chief Proponent of the Religion of Peace, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. What is his strategy? I could quote a Surah or two to you, but al-Zarqawi doesn't really care about that. He wants power. He wants us out so he can be in the palace, so his kids can be in the palace, so he can push Israel into the sea, so Wahabi can be supreme. So he is using the happenings in France to his end.
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is a punk. I look forward to our troops discovering his blown up body soon.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Fw: Today's Update
After months of "what should I do with this site" wondering back in the heartland, I have decided to update it on a regular basis again. I hope I can follow through.
I have been reading in the press about France and their problems with "Arab Youths" rioting. As some of you who have read my stuff before know, I travel extensively for a living (as an instructor) and watch my share of TV. These past couple of weeks, I was stranded in hotels without Fox News and was only able to get my news from the dreaded CNN. So, until the last couple of days, here is what I had learned about what was happening in France.
1. The whole thing started because the bad police chased some innocent teens in an area where some break-ins occurred. The teens killed were of African origin, CNN, reported. So I can be sure it is the stormtrooper police who are setting this thing in motion.
2. The town of Clichy-sous-Bois, (apparently, just a 'burb of NE Paris) has more that 28,000 immigrants, mostly African, and they live in "Soviet Style" housing. It's a Gulag! I can't figure out this hate for the French - I thought the liberal media loved them. How is America responsible? Suckas got to Know!
3. Though the so-called "youths" have shot at the cops and thrown rocks at them, "passions were ignited" when the cops shot a tear gas canister at them. It happened to go into a Mosque where the "youths" were shooting at the cops from. Sound Familiar?
4. France has an "equal opportunities" minister. Ok, Yikes.
5. The "youths" have a bit of a pyromaniac in them. They have set a lot of cars and buildings on fire. But CNN lets us know it's all because Nicolas Sarkozy, the interior minister, is fanning anger with his tough talk and tactics. Sarkozy had the gall to refer to the rioters as "scum" and "Rifraf". This is the first French dude I have ever liked!
6. Finally, on November 2nd, we find out that, yes, most of the riots are from "Muslim North Africa" Wow! I am amazed.
7. We find out the real room cause from ever vigilant CNN on November 5th. The riots are from Muslim Neighborhoods that have extensive poverty, unemployment and alleged discrimination. That's it! These thugs are burning cars, schools, and nursing homes, but it's all about the poverty. The unemployment rate in France overall is about 10%, but in these neighborhoods, it is like 25%. These poverty-stricken "youths", CNN reports, are eluding police by using fast cars, motor scooters and communicating with Cell Phones and email instant messaging.
8. The Union of French Islamic Organizations has called for calm and issued a Fatwa condemning the violence. Oh, Good! They have a fairly close alliance with Hamas. Does CNN tell us that? No.
9. The "death of love" has caused this. Thanks for that knowledge, CNN.
10. It's happening in Berlin now, and maybe Brussels too. Is Europe going to burn? CNN reports.
Is it civil war in Europe? Stay tuned. France has an 8% Muslim population - So it could blow. What will Tim Robbins think? Where will Shania Twain live?