Wednesday, December 31, 2003

So, like many Internet Wrestling Fans (known as the IWC), I often suspect a conspiracy. Are they holding Benoit down – or does he not become champ merely because he’sactually 4 feet 6 inches tall? Is Vince in bed with Linda? (confirmed, at least twice) Is Brock Lesnar really The Next Big Thing? He’s Big, He’s a total thing (I met him once, he’s totally a large and in charge person), and according to Goldberg, he’s NEXT.

So, I wrote about Howard the Duck and his conspiracy therories regarding The President’s Energy task force and Dean’s own task force. So, I got to thinking. Dean’s accusing Dubya of getting contributions for his rich oil buddies – while he, Dr. Howard the Duck, gets his only from “The little guy.” Howie, Midget wrestlers are so 1999 (except Gilberg!)

So, I had a look I found this article ( that gives a bunch of contributors to one of Dean’s PACs and started compared names on it to leaders of Vermont power companies. I found interesting stuff there, Batman!

There were a series of $5000 donations, which is the upper limit for an individual in a year.

I found Robert Young of Proctor (a suburb of Rutland,) who is almost certainly the head of Central Vermont Public Service. I said to myself, AWA, you’re on the trail of a biggie. Nope. The rest of the bunch is just garden variety leftist wackos. But interesting.

The Berndts are on the list, and they are Greenpeacers. They have done lots of left-leaning stuff and run a maple farm in Vermont. David Bohnett is Mr. Geocities (the founder – so blame all the pop-ups on him) and quite the left-winger. Victoria Buffum is a patron of the Arts in Burlington, Vt - also involved with the Folklife center and other society stuff. Her name is big in society pages, so one would think old money. Kathy Levinson founded e*trade and is an outspoken voice for Lesbians and gay pride, although I don’t know anything personally about her. Steven Rockefeller is a Professor of Religion at Middlebury College in Vermont and buddies with George Soros and, of course, a Rockefeller. E.W. Stetson is a "filmmaker" who produced one art film with his wife (Jane) in 1999 called Letters to my Mothers Early Lovers. Jane's got the same credits. Apparently, she's got some bucks and has been in Real Estate. Raymond Tye is Chairman of The United Group, an alcohol distributor, which also makes the United Liquors donation make sense. Richard Tarrant is chairman of IDX systems Corp, a technology firm. He and his wife are big-timers in University of Vermont and are into Horses. Young and the Liquor donations are covered. Other than the other two $5000 contributors, where are those “little guys”?

On the $2500 donations, Ken Squier is a racing announcer who owns a radio station in Waterbury. He gave Rep. Bernard Sanders and Anthony Pollina a show. He wanted a liberal show for his station. Let's see: Looks like it didn't make it. Too bad. Oh, Ken, I like D.W. better. Boogity, Boogity, Boogity.

On the $1000 donations, I got tired, but did notice The Gartner family has big money and does the whole community give-back thing. They're all over the arts in vermont. Old Money, one would think. Elliot Hahn Chairman & President Andrx Corporation, which is a pharmaceutical company. Don't see him in the community, but he's into access to affordable drugs for south Florida.

Yeah. Grass roots.



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