Friday, January 30, 2004

Layoffs, cutbacks and pulled advertising

No, it's not the WWE after Hogan left for WCW back in '92, no, it's not American Industry (Ok, in some cases, it is), it's the Howard the Duck Dean Campaign.

Howie pulled his ads for next week in the mini-super and is asking his staff to hold off on pay and laid off a few folks. Why? And if it's because, as many people are saying, that it's over for the Duck, then what?

I'm just guessing, but I think maybe Dean is either:

1. Playing out the string because he feels like he owes it to his supporters


2. Looking at some secondary goal that requires that he stay in awhile longer.

Here's how #2 plays out. Dean stays in and, maybe, down the line, he does win a state or two. Still possible. John F'n Kerry and Little Johnny split the rest. Dean's already got 19 super delegates pledged to him, and maybe he picks up a dozen more on super Tuesday. Kerry and Edwards are virtually tied after Super Tuesday (March 3). The Duck has a possible say in that scenario. I think it's unlikely, but possible. Geraldine Ferraro (is that right?) was on Fox last night and she said that we absolutely won't have a floor fight for the nomination, and I agree with her - but my opinion could change if Edwards and John F'n split next week in the mini-super. Especially if the split if 4-3 Edwards. Could even be more fun if The duck wins one on a sympathy vote.

So if he hold the key. Howie tosses his support in the right direction and gets to speak in prime time at the convention, gets his plank in the platform and sets himself up for 2008 if that's what happens.

OH - MY - GOSH not again!


Wednesday, January 28, 2004


Back in the day, when a Ted Dibiase or a Jimmy Hart was managing someone and it was time for them to turn, they used to fire their manager. Famously, Andre the Giant fired The Million Dollar Man just before he turned back face. Today, has Howard the Duck turned face or heel? I'd say he turns heel, having fired Joe Trippi as his campaign manager and hiring Al "Bore" Gore's former aide Roy Neel as his replacement.

What does this do for The Duck? Trippi was The Man in alternative campaigning. Apparently Internet Savvy, apparently hip, Trippi's loss will damage this campaign incredibly. Neel, who joined the Campaign in early January, was a top aide to both Gore and Clinton. He's more of a Washington Insider. Seems a strange tactic for Dean. I think he's making a mistake.

Andre never got the belt again after he fired the Million Dollar Man, Howie!

Light blogging this week, since I am on the road.

Pretty predictable results in NH yesterday, I thought. Howard the Duck's handlers have him better coached, don't they?

Here's something I heard yesterday, I thought, after watching John F'n speak, that I believed it. Supposedly, Kerry's getting BoTox treatments. Didja see his face last night? I swaer he looked younger.

ah well, Hogan tried to get himself to look younger, John. I can tell you the tanning bed doesn't work. Maybe Botox does.


Sunday, January 25, 2004

From Hugh Hewitt - Wesley Clark: in your Guts, you know he's Nuts!


Saturday, January 24, 2004

Blog we must! Our friends at Notes from the legal Underground didn't appreciate my humor in saying Lawyers aren't funny last blog. They're just wildly amusing, says I.

On to more political things. John F'n Kerry and his gang of merry pranksters have seemingly just discovered that this presidency thing is NATIONAL! Wouldn't you think that they would already have a national organization at this point? I guess so. This article tells us Kerry only has 7 staffers in South Carolina, where the Primary is Feb 3, and this one tells us that the Kerry Campaign has "not had much of a formal organization in the state."

This leads me, old AWArulz, political pundit and semi-expert on all things that have tangentially wrestling connections to conclude that Kerry was ready to job in Iowa. He was planning on doing the job to Howard the Duck and going home. He wanted to prod Dubya, make a statement against Clark, who he seemingly doesn't like, get Teddy Kennedy to scream like a longshoreman and then head back to DC. Oops! He won. Better take the campaign national!

Speaking of my favorite Senator with an issue with intoxicants, didja hear him intro'ing John F'n at Kerry's "I win" party last week in Iowa? You thought Howie sounded out there? Listen as Rush plays it - click on the link. You compare it, if you dare, to Howard's little rant.

separated at birth? You be the judge. Then there's Vince McMahon. Now we're getting similar.

John F'n Kerry is starting to get slammed by his Dem buddies now, friends. Like a stable in wrestling, once one guy has the belt, or is even a top contender for it, the other heels really want it. It's his Senate voting record that's gonna get him. He voted to cut the CIA back in the 90s, but wondered why it wasn't there after 9/11. And he used to oppose the death penalty for terrorists, but now, he supports it. And he (horrors!) voted to end Public School Teacher's tenure a few years back. This article hits a lot of it.
Good work by the supposedly liberal NY Times.

Well, enough for now. Gotta get my bets down on the Royal Rumble. I pick Benoit, who wants HHH's belt so he moves to Raw. Here's a question: Pete bet on baseball, right? Do you think betting on a staged sporting event would qualify for being as stupid as Pete? My bet will be a plate of wings at some unnamed sports bar in Dallas. If you see me (big, red-haired, republican), say hi.


Wednesday, January 21, 2004

A couple of new blogs in the Blogosphere is Democrats give conservatives indigestion. Read this post about Clinton's use of the Special Forces. Former President Clinto had a little Vince Russo in him - he had all the tools at hand, but wanted thing so his own way that he wouldn't use 'em. That's what killed WCW - good thing it didn't kill the USA. Thank God for Dubya!

and this one shows a picture of a boat that I never want to be on. Read the post, it reminds us of how good we have it here. Raw on Monday, Smackdown on Thursday!

Oh yeah. Lawyers aren't funny.

The wienerboard's a cool place to talk politics. But sometimes it can get a little hairy. Makes you want to go to the wrestling forum. The politics forum feels like Raw sometimes.

We're talking constitutional Amendment to protect the sanctity of marriage right now. Dubya's for it. I got my reservations, so I thought I might cross post a little from the Wienerboard

It's a vital issue for me. A Family is not two dads as far as I and many others are concerned. Or two moms.

My problem is that some government entity approving and paying for that approval is a reduction in taxes that I think ought to be reserved for real couples. And play the black/white racial thing any way you choose - but homosexuals aren't a different race - they are choosing a behavior that has, historically, been aberrant. Now you may say it's genetic, or OK in your eyes or whatever. Cool. Go for it. But this isn't on the level of racial issues and if you play it that way, then it's a slap in the face to the real struggle people like MLK went through. So, no, I don't believe that homosexual partners ought to be legally married.

But I understand legal rights and all the rest of the life liberty and pursuit of happiness thing. And I am all for that. If people want to be with someone of their own gender, that is their choice. And, like I have to, living with someone of a different gender, they will have to deal with any resultant consequences.

So how to deal with the marriage thing. It is primarily, although not exclusively, a religious rite. So I would get government completely out of the marriage game. Not issue licenses, not recognize any resultant tax differences between single and non-single partners. Everyone who wants to be "married" or "Partnered" or whatever they want to call it would go to a church, or to a lawyer or maybe to a local marriage house. And there would be a ceremony, and perhaps a contract and maybe some pictures and a reception. The SAME THINGS we have now. But the government would not be involved.

Then if a church wanted to allow homosexuals to marry, then they would perform the service. If the folks wanted to get married in a civil ceremony, I am sure the entrepreneurs of the world will set up marriage houses. It seems like a solution that would be acceptable to me, who would oppose marriage between anyone other than one man and one woman, and it would seem that it would be acceptable to those that think marriage should be redefined. Because then, if I opposed said marriage, but my church consented to perform it, I could, if I chose, to leave my church and find another which held beliefs closer to the ones I personally hold.

And insurance companies could choose how dependents were defined and companies and individuals that use said companies could select the plan or plans most acceptable to them.

and, gosh, we could all be free, instead of having some fool in Washington decide what marriage is.

So, I point out that I am morally and fiscally and religiously conservative. I oppose a constitutional amendment to redefine marriage. Let's just get the government out of marriage.


Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Our president is a good winker, ain't he? I think he was amused at the Heels tonight. Kennedy was dozing off. (I wonder what he was drinking tonight - whatever it was must have been 150 proof). I almost though he was gonna call 'em out during the "Veto anti-Medicare legislation" part. Whoooooo! Mean By-God Whoooo Gene! Whooo - I wil not Whoooo! allow any cuts- Whooooo! in Medicare - Whoooo

and what was that bit in spilling the water at the end? I could have understood it if he wanted to distract the ref so the other side couldn't tag, but it was a singles match! (ok - a handicap match, with the Dems in the minus - didja see Rep. Pelosi and Sen. Daschle do the response? Outclassed by Dubya, weren't they?

Some of you have asked, why is it John F'n Kerry, your winner of the Iowa Caucus. Here's the reason


Sunday, January 18, 2004

Well, in just a few hours, a few thousand Iowans will start to decide the political destiny of eight Democratic political candidates in the Iowa Caucus. Jimmy Carter pulled 30% here back in 76 and the state hasn't been the same since. For an interesting perspective on the Caucus, read this interesting article in the NY Times

One of the real dangers in Iowa is "them Carpetbaggers" coming in to act like they're Iowans just for the election. Kinda like the WCW guys coming into the WWF a few years ago. You all remember how successful they were.

While Dean is THE man out in Iowa, he's behind in the pre-Caucus polls(not that they've ever been right.), and in fact he's behind both John f'n Kerry and Little Johnny Edwards (come on, in Rasslin', we gotta have nicknames) Looks like I was wrong in a previous blog entry. It's probably gonna be Bye-Bye Big Dick Gephardt rather than Little Johnny Edwards. Gephardt, not unlike Slick Ric Flair, is working close to home and he's gotta come in first or second, but right now, it looks like 4th. Ooops.

I really enjoy foreign web sites reporting on some backwater caucus in the Democrat nomination. The Bahrain Daily news says "Democractic race hots up" The Voice of America, in an attempt to sound vaguely PBS-Like, screams "Iowa Voters Bask in Quadrennial Political Spotlight" And the Toronto Star says, about Howard the Duck, "Mad prophet is becoming Democratic `pander-bear'"

I prefer good old American Headlines, like this one. They got it right, anyway. Good old Howie. Watch out for them Rednecks, son


Saturday, January 17, 2004

The candidates are getting a little weary, it seems. Like The Big Show after a grueling 6 minute match, the darling Democrats are wearing down and are ready for a rest hold. In Diane Cardwell's excellent piece in the NY Times, the follies of Lieberman, Kerry, Gephardt and the rest are attributed to weariness.

I can understand. We all see the rest holds, the ad-breaks and the other stuff that lets competitors rest. But if Joe, John and Dick can't carry on in Iowa and New Hampshire, how are they gonna keep it together when the big show-downs happen. Are they gonna get tired and screw up when we're attacked. Will Joe Lieberman tell President Chirac of France "that's ridiculous" like he did someone who wondered why he was criticizing other Demo candidates? Will Howard Dean tell Tony Blair of the UK, "I just want to sleep," when it's just the US and Tony defending the world from Islamic Terrorists? Will General Clark tell President Putin of Russia that he doesn't believe Al Quada was involved in 9/11 like he did recently?

My President may not be perfect, but at least he isn't tired out. His ideas are fresh too. These candidates have worn out their welcome, worn out ideas and they are just worn out. Give it a rest.


Thursday, January 15, 2004

With the Royal Rumble and the Iowa Caucus both approaching, I thought it appropriate to compare the two.

Right now, everyone is claiming they’re going to win both contests. Goldberg’s gonna win. No, The Crippler is. No, it’s The Prototype (John Cena for you non-OVW Cena fans). And of course there will be many jobbers. The guys you know aren’t winning. Guys like Christian or Spanky or those guys from La Resistance. And at the end, there will be two or maybe three guys, who will duke it out until one remains – and barely remains.

So does it seem in Iowa as well. A week ago, Howard the Duck was in the lead. Last man in the ring, so to speak, while Joltin’ John Kerry was, like Benoit, first in, with 60 minutes to go. But now, like Ric Flair, in his fabled first entry into the Royal Rumble many years ago (93??), he’s made it through the first 55 minutes and only has a couple guys to toss over the ropes. His poll numbers show him virtually even with Howard Dean, Wesley Clark and Dick Gephardt.

This is the kind of situation, Slick Ric would say, that requires a poke to the eye or two. Look for it to happen. In fact, it’s happening already.

Howie calls Gen Clark a Republican (The Horror!)

John Kerry, it the inimitable tradition of The Rock, pulls out his guitar and has a kerry-concert for the undecided.

As often happens in Battle Royals, a couple of the entertainers team up, sometimes to get rid of a big ‘un. You know, like when Junkyard Dog, Hacksaw Jim Duggin, Hillbilly Jim and Adrian Adonis would team together to toss Andre the Giant over the top rope. Of course, Howie, you should know that, like Ric Flair going to the top rope, that never worked. So then they all went to work on big John Studd. Carol Mosley-Braun has tossed her mosquito-like support to Howard the Duck. No doubt that will turn the tide in Iowa. You can bet Mosley-Braun will take credit if Howie wins. The same way Hillbilly Jim celebrated with Hogan back in the day.

But who’s still around? That’ll be the question after Iowa. (Bye, Bye, John Edwards)


Thursday, January 08, 2004

Who knew that the Royal Rumble was gonna be so fun this year? I mean, when a bunch of guys all get in one ring and duke it out until one is left and everyone else goes out on the floor – that is a sweet time for all. And in just a few weeks it kicks off.

Ol' AWA ain’t talking WWE royal rumble, no. No, we’re talking Democratic Primary season. And I have some links for you today. It seems President wanna-be Howard the Duck is catching it from his rivals. This article in the New York Times tells us Kerry and Clark are beating on old Howie over the repeal of the Tax Cut. You can’t repeal all of the tax cut, they say, because it’s middle class people who actually vote. Oh yeah. Forgot about that. Accordingly, Dean is gonna back off his stance. Duh.

He better do something. In the new CNN/USAToday (today) Gallup poll, The Prez has a 60% job approval. And it’s going back up after coming down in the aftermath of Iraq. It’s kinda like Stone Cold. When he’s gone we miss ‘im, then we laugh at him for awhile, yell What a few times, then hope he stays in the back for the Hurricane match. Dubya would beat the Duck 57/37 right now, although that’s a little closer than it was in December. But the telling numbers are Likely voters and Certain voting. There he Slams the Duck and finishes with a piledriver with a 47/20 ratio. This little poll (and I don’t like Polls much) is good reading.

On the sealed records front, Howard Dean is dealing with a slew of op-ed pieces asking him to open them boxes. VKM would never open the books for the WWF, Howie (oh, yeah, he had to for the IPO, darn it!).

And speaking of drawing fire, Dubya’s immigration initiative is drawing it.

Aw, where would we be without immigrants? Where have you gone, La Parka?


Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Now I know why Raw went into the Race card this past Monday night. Teddy Long and Coach pulled out the card in tribute to Hillary's Gandhi joke the other night. It's a beautiful tribute by the boys, but did they have to go so over the top? All Hil said was that The great Mahatmah was running a gas station down in St. Louis - like all the other people of racially darker skin color. She didn't get out the hateraid.



Sunday, January 04, 2004

If it's not one thing it's another. Is it gonna be Test and Stephanie, or Triple H and Stephanie? No, it's Britney and Jason? Jason? I thought it was Justin

Ah well. On the Howard the Duck file, Dean took the trouble to invoke executive privilege for 145 boxes of documents relating to his administration. Guess he doesn't want you to know what went on there at Duck Central. For Dean, who seems to spend all his time making sure we know he's not Bill, he sure looks whitewatery. I wonder how hidden the books at WCW were when VKM bought 'em? Not that he took a look. Like Dubya and Dean. Hide all you want, Howard, Dubya's gonna own you like VKM owned WCW - lock, stock, boxes and contracts of broken-down wrestlers who can job to Triple H - because it was Triple H and Stephanie - and she's VKM's daughter - and VKM is the boss - owner of all the sealed boxes of WCW. Lay down, Booker T!

Lay down Howie.You're jobbin' to Dubya. Of course, this keeps up and Dean'll be on the sidelines and we'll see if Gen. Clark can do the job too.
