Saturday, January 17, 2004

The candidates are getting a little weary, it seems. Like The Big Show after a grueling 6 minute match, the darling Democrats are wearing down and are ready for a rest hold. In Diane Cardwell's excellent piece in the NY Times, the follies of Lieberman, Kerry, Gephardt and the rest are attributed to weariness.

I can understand. We all see the rest holds, the ad-breaks and the other stuff that lets competitors rest. But if Joe, John and Dick can't carry on in Iowa and New Hampshire, how are they gonna keep it together when the big show-downs happen. Are they gonna get tired and screw up when we're attacked. Will Joe Lieberman tell President Chirac of France "that's ridiculous" like he did someone who wondered why he was criticizing other Demo candidates? Will Howard Dean tell Tony Blair of the UK, "I just want to sleep," when it's just the US and Tony defending the world from Islamic Terrorists? Will General Clark tell President Putin of Russia that he doesn't believe Al Quada was involved in 9/11 like he did recently?

My President may not be perfect, but at least he isn't tired out. His ideas are fresh too. These candidates have worn out their welcome, worn out ideas and they are just worn out. Give it a rest.



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