First, an Apology
Well, ya know Mean Gene - with the Largest Pythons in the known Universe and all the strength a man can muster, sometimes the Hulkster doesn't get enough oxygen to the old brain-stem. Yesterday, I identified "Democrats
give Conservatives Indigestion" as a Democrat blog. My Bad. They are conservative - it's how I identify my favorite blogs!
Senator Kerry before the Senate foreign relations committee as a young man in 1971
Human Events has brought the whole transcript onto the net
here. There are some pop ups. It's a PDF
Some questions for John F'n Kerry from this simple Rasslin' Fan
1. He says he is "One member of the group"... and were it possible for all of them to sit at this table they would be here and have the same kind of testimony" Kerry implies that he is representing all Veterans.
Mr. Kerry, I was not a veteran then, but was one about 5 years later. I served with many people who were serving in 1971, and of course, I served myself. We didn't elect you to speak for us and didn't need for you to speak for us then or now. I resent that you think your ultra-Lib views were commonly held by my brave friends or by me. I hope you don't intend to speak for me in this way should by some disaster you become President.
2. "IN our opinion and from our experience, there is nothing in South Vietnam, nothing that could happen that realistically threatens the United States of America." Kerry makes a statement regarding his judgement of a situation.
The Unied states was, at this time, in the middle of the Cold War. In the 50 years prior to this statement, Russia and all the eastern block countries had fallen to communism, North Korea had fallen, Cuba had fallen and Southeast Asia was in danger of falling. There is no doubt that Communism was a danger to the United States. It is interesting to no note that South Vietnam was essentially the last nation (perhaps you might place Nicarauga in the category - Afganistan never was taken, really) to fall to communism and basically one of the last since the Early 50s, when we started our Domino Effect Policy regarding communistic expansion. Cuba is the Lone Exception here. Kerry, in my opinon, was very wrong. While Vietnam may have not been the most successful war in our history, everyone else took note and stayed home. In that mode, we actually won a victory there.
3. "We cannot fight communism all over the world, and I think we should have learned that lesson by now"
"Mr Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall" - a much more Patriotic American said this. Mr. Kerry, do you believe the same thing about Radical Islamic Terrorism? Red Dawn's a pretty sucky movie - but I think you should think about what that Movie would look like if Islam ruled our land. Goofing around with a reporter would be death for he, anyway.
4. "An American Indian friend of mine who lives in the Indian Nation of Alacatraz..."
Mr Kerry supported terrorism back then, it seems. For those of you who don't recall what happened with the Native Americans and Alcatraz, check this pretty liberal view out. I was military in SF not long after this and no one had a positive view. Radicals - and a few true believers. But the main thing here was that this action was not legal, but Kerry recongnized it as legal. What other illegalities will Kerry understand as Illegal?
5. "if this body could call for a referendum in the country or if we could call for a vote in perhaps three weeks, I think the people of this country would back that..... Pass a resolution to call on the Supreme Court to rule of the Constitutionality of this war..."
I hope Senator Kerry knows a lot more about how our government works and how the Legislative/ Judicial and Executive branches work than he did back then.
6. "We have an obligation to offer Sanctuary to 2000 to 3000 people who ... might face political assasination"
Wow. He was sure wrong there, huh? Geeze. In Hue, back in '68, over 6000 political prisoners were executed by the Communists when it was apparent they were going to lose Hue. Here's a bibliography on it. And of course, everybody and their brother was either killed, supressed or did anything they could to escape the Joint after the Commies came in Still going on when I was in the Army. Kerry was so, so wrong
7. In page 29 on the PDF, labeled 207 at the start, Kerry tells of going to Saigon and giving operations details of the war and his perceived lack of cover to a reporter, who quite properly, refused to report the information.
Any person who--
(1) aids, or attempts to aid, the enemy with arms, ammunition, supplies, money, or other things; or
(2) without proper authority, knowingly harbors or [protects or gives intelligence to or communicates or corresponds with or holds any intercourse with the enemy, either directly or indirectly; shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial or military commission may direct.
I'm out