Friday, February 13, 2004

Is John Kerry Dating Hanoi Jane? And other news....

Yeah. We go from Howard the Duck to John F'n Kerry and his dating preferences. Ok, Maybe Kerry's not so Boring after all. Sorry I mentioned it, Doc.

1st story, which is all over the net, is John F'n's association with Vietnam Veterans against the War, and of course, their association with Hanoi Jane Fonda. NewsMax has it covered, but a few comments from Ol' AWA.

Do I think John F'n Kerry was unpatriotic back in the day? Gosh, it's a tough question. I was 16 when Hanoi Jane went to Hanoi and was in the Army less than 2 years later, so my personal opinion is colored. But to come back from war and be on the side of people who called them (and even me who never fired a shot in anger) Baby Killers is personally repugnant to me. I'd much rather have a semi-dodger like Clinton or someone who did what he had to to serve and not go like Dubya, or someone who was too young like Edwards (although, at 50, he graduated in like 72 or 73 and could have gotten a number or volunteered - Ol' AWA's number would have neen 116 if he'd been old enough in '71)) than someone who did serve and then turned his back on his brothers like John F'n. Band of Brothers isn't just the name of a mini-series on HBO, it's the law in the military.

I think everyone who thinks Kerry was patriotic and a war hero needs to check out this web page. and make sure you look at page 2. Worth a peek.

Now, on to Matt Drudge and his breaking of Kerry's own Monica-Gate. It's known that Kerry was dating around (we don't know if it was sleeping around) prior to his latest Heiress marriage to the Heinz family heiress, Teresa. I just Hope Teresa's as forgiving as H-i-l-l-a-r-y.

Ok, I don't miss the Duck as much anymore... Look at this entry from one of my favorite Blogs - Democrats give Conservatives Indigestion - they be runnin' Scared. Like all heels.



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