Friday, April 23, 2004

Very Sad - news of a Patriot's untimely death

If you haven't heard, Patriot Pat Tillman died serving his country in the 'Stan this week. He was 27. The Ranger, who played as a Cardinal in the NFL before becoming a free agent and joining the Real Patriots - the US Army Rangers, was on patrol somewhere in eastern Afghanistan with Sgt Hook and the rest of the awesome Men and women keeping us free.

I was reading Pat's obit today and almost weeping. 26 with a life of leisure ahead, he had a contract worth millions with Arizona and could have had even more to play with the Rams, but turned that down because of loyalty to Arizona, he left to serve you and I. In addition to his wonderful play as a linebacker (Pac 10 player of the year in '97 and 224 tackles in 2000), he was a triathelete and carried a 3.84 through Arizona State and graduated EARLY in marketing. His brother, Kevin, also was in the middle east.

To Pat's parents - I don't know your situation, but I am very sorry for your loss - but, in light of both of your son's remarkable sacrifice and service, you must be special people. Your hearts must be very heavy, but you are no doubt proud that your sons are doing what is right, doubtless, exactly what you taught them, that freedom isn't free and that sacrifice is what real Patriot men and women are made of. I salute and honor your son.

To the rest of the Soldiers, Marines, Airmen and Squids (I'm sorry, I just can't be nice to the Navy) serving. Thanks. We miss you. Kick their butts and come home soon. As far as I can do it, you get everything you need to accomplish your mission.

Lugar, Bayh - that's my vote for more funding as needed - take care of it.

Without fail, you must run and not walk to Sgt Hook and read of a Marine Mother's dealings with all of this. Go now!


Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Hamdi Rashid

You may not know the man named above, but I wish Dan Rather, Tom Brokow and Peter Jennings would meet him. Quoted in most AP stories about the return of Iraqis to Fallujah, Hamadi says that "The Americans are doing good. They are going to arrest the bad men. We are looking for peace. We want to live in peace." Does Dan Rather know this? He does and won't report it. Sad, isn't it?


Saturday, April 17, 2004

Thought for the week - for the day - for the heck of it

I guess it's frustrating to people that leaders can be so different and still seem to lead . Baby Doc The Godfather Clinton, for all his failures, knew how to talk and he seemed like a leader. He commanded an audience and was and is an effective influencer of minds - he got his agenda done as well. Dubya Bush isn't a good speaker at all. He's awesome at moral clarity though and sticking to his guns - something The Baby Doc never had.

I was thinking, because of a discussion on the Wienerboard - (OK, the W - but it'll always be the Wienerboard to me) about Hulk Hogan and Triple HHH and their differences as the leaders of the Wrestling world for a long time. Like Dubya and the Baby Doc Godfather, Hulk and Trips are very different. Hogan was always Say your prayers, eat your Vitamins and he was The Man for a good 10 years and now, 20 years after he really became a star is probably still one of the best known Wrestlers (although the Rock is right in there now). Trips has already been on top about 7 or 8 years now, but he's about influence and maneuvering.

Like Trips and Hollywood Hogan, Clinton and Bush got to the top by different means. But can Dubya stay there? I want him to. I appreciate his spine in a spineless world. But there's another part to the story of Hogan and Trips. When Hogan finally fell off the top, he became a bad guy, like Trips to get back on top.

Does that mean good guys can't be on top anymore, at least not for long?

Hello, John F'n Kerry if that's true. Ugh!


Wednesday, April 14, 2004

On Another Note

A new post on President Bush's speech and press conference coming soon - wasn't he great? I need a steadfast leader like him.

Our friends at Le Sabot Post-Modern (the Post-Modern World) have posted a series of articles on fairness and God's means of Salvation. Good reading - including the comments. Go there now.


Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Political and Rasslin' Haiku

Dubya has a plan
like Jericho is the man
Kerry equals Trish

Doesn't bark, that dog
but sniffs around like he should
Can he fill a thong?

To be the man, John
you got to beat Dubya Bush
figure four more years.


Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Kerry a Heretic?

John Kerry, according to the tenents of the church he's a member of, The Roman Catholic Church, is a heretic.

He said "My oath privately between me and God was defined in Catholic church by Pious 23rd and Pope Paul VI in Vatican II, which allows for freedom of conscience for Catholics with respect to these choices, and that is exactly where I am"

First, no problem here, there was no Pious 23. John 23, yes.

If we're talking this document, John F'n Kerry -

It's about religious freedom - that is, the right to choose your religious affiliation, not what parts of Roman Catholic doctrine you're going to embrace and which ones you reject.

Best read this one, John F'n - I believe I can sum it up by saying - The Church is right and you are not. Even I (a non-Catholic) can mostly agree with that one.

Chris Dodd - is he the Dem's Trent Lott?

On April 1st, Chris Dodd, Democratic Senator from Connecticut, rose to speak on the occasion of Robert Byrd's 17,000th roll call vote in the Senate (now that's another issue - maybe for a later time) and said, "It has often been said that the man and the moment come together. I do not think it is an exaggeration at all to say to my friend from West Virginia that he would have been a great senator at any moment. Some were right for the time. Robert C. Byrd, in my view, would have been right at any time."

At Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday party, Trent Lott, Senator from Mississippi said, "I want to say this about my state. When Strom ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of him. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either."

Now, we all know Trent Lott had to step down from leadership, because Strom was a segregationist back in the day. But so was Byrd. This article from Walter Williams, a distinguished professor of economics, details Byrd's racisim, both then and now. He said, as an example, "Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." and in this artcle, he is quoted as saying, "I am a former kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan in Raleigh County and the adjoining counties of the state .... The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia .... It is necessary that the order be promoted immediately and in every state of the Union. Will you please inform me as to the possibilities of rebuilding the Klan in the Realm of W. Va .... I hope that you will find it convenient to answer my letter in regards to future possibilities."

Give me one good reason why the 24 inch Python shouldn't run wild on you, Chris Dodd?


Tuesday, April 06, 2004

What do you have to do?
I feel for Dubya, but I really feel for the Marines and Soldiers over in Iraq. What the heck can we do? I mean, I still believe this is the right thing to do - being in Iraq, getting Saddam out, the whole thing. But what do you do?

William F Buckley's interviewed in TIME this week and they ask him:

Buckley: Not very. Professor J.Q. Wilson reminds us that after the Magna Carta, it took England about 500 years before it could persuasively call itself democratic and stable.What is unmistakably accomplished is the death of a hideous regime and kindled interest in liberal reform

I tend to agree. I just want to know what's next. I know we can't just pull out and I know there's not a good answer.

Not every entry involves Wrestling, folks - oh, maybe we should make the Iron Sheik our representative there. He'd kick butt with those curley shoes of his.


Thursday, April 01, 2004

What Now?

I suppose Dave Letterman is having the last laugh on the Clinton News Network tonight. It's kind of fun to see the Liberals beat on each other, but this is Rasslin' Republicans and you want conservative Rasslin!

Well, you know, Mean Gene, who woulda thunk that just because National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice is a conservative, that she'd be open to attacks like this one from liberal gadfly Margie Burns. Clearly, if Rice was a liberal and the same"she's just not competant" stuff was flying around, then we'd be sexist, racist and who knows what elsish. Condoleezza Rice is a Republican star, my personal choice for Vice-President (you saw it here!) and you know my Friend John Kerry reads me daily, probably saw that and sent out the wolves.

Kerry's on Friendster, you know and I signed up to be his friend. So he sends me little campaign emails. I'd like to post them, but Frendster's all but down right now.

FINALLY - a product both Democrats and those Rasslin' Republicans can use! Toilet Paper with either Dubya or John F'n Kerry's lovely picture on it. I figure John F'n's gonna be lookin up there for more tax money if he gets elected, so I am getting his.